Signs You Need Cleansing:
- Feeling drained or overwhelmed
- Recurring negative thoughts or emotions.
- Conflict in relationships or spaces
- Poor sleep or persistent bad dreams
- Feeling "stuck" or unmotivated
- Heavy or dense energy in your space
Benefits of Cleansing:
- Clears mental and emotional clutter.
- Improves focus, motivation, and creativity
- Encourages positive relationships and communication
- Restores balance and peace with yourself and your space.
- Protects against absorbing external negative energy.
Energy surrounds us and affects us constantly. We absorb energy from our environment, people, and situations. Over time , stagnant, negative, or heavy energies can accumulate, creating feelings of anxiety, fatigue, or blockages in our spiritual, emotional, or physical well-being. Cleansing helps reset your energy and surroundings, allowing for clarity , balance, and a fresh start.
Types of Cleansing :
- Smudging
- Salt Cleansing
- Crystals
- Sound Healing
- Water Cleansing
- Visualization and Intentions